Local Sporting Champion program
The Local Sporting Champion program is an Australian Government initiative designed to provide financial assistance for young people aged 12-18 towards the cost of travel, accommodation, uniforms or equipment when competing, coaching or officiating at an official national sporting organisation (NSO) endorsed state, national or international sporting championships or a School Sport Australia state or national championships. For eligibility and criteria see
Australian Institute of Sport (AIS).
Emerging Athlete Pathways
This is a government initiative that aims to assist young athletes within Queensland who have competed at a State, National and International sporting event. Financial assistance is available to assist with the cost of travel and accommodation for the eligible event. Full details and an application form can be found by following the link for
Emerging Athlete Pathways.
FairPlay Vouchers
Parents, carers or guardians can apply for a voucher valued up to $150 for their child, which can be used towards sport and active recreation membership, registration or participation fees with registered activity providers.
Assistance for education costs–Saver Plus
Would you like $500 to help pay for school uniforms, books, sporting fees and equipment, music lessons, camps and excursions, or even a laptop? Saver Plus can match your savings dollar for dollar for education costs, up to $500.
Follow the link for Saver Plus program eligibility.